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A Guide to Becoming Powerful: Step 1

Go forth and read books. No, really. Read and absorb information and accept help wherever you can, each and every moment of the day. For the sake of learning. How did the saying go? Oh, right, seize the day was it? "Seize - take (an opportunity) eagerly and decisively." Taking the opportunity decisively. Reading is more part of the entire 'Initiation' of becoming powerful. Because once it starts, where will it end? It is going to be a massive contribution to shaping the new you. Side effects: addiction. Once you have liftoff, and you know how to keep reinventing yourself and how to allow nothing to stop you in your tracks, this will make you a very powerful being. Unstoppable. Scary isn't it? There...Is...No...Limitation,..To...Reinvention. Really, there isn't. So stop making excuses. You know you're making them up already. None of them are going to be important enough, when it comes to investing into yourself. And since you are still reading this blogpost, it's telling me you're intrigued enough, curious enough and willing to hear what I've got to tell you. Fair? So don't stop now. All of this is here for you. What took me years to discover and what was brought to me to learn from, I can proudly pass on to you. You don't need to go through the lessons since I've already gone through them. Back to books. But Iris, I'm anything BUT a bookworm! Talk about creating problems. Expand your view, reader! Have I got good news for you! Having your nose in the books every second isn't what it's all about. The answer is: resources. The purpose is to learn. Not to adopt a new label for yourself (unless that feels right). And please, whenever you're looking for answers, be aware of how much you're personally attached to ideas or opinions. Whenever there's answers for you, it's important you're not going to be held back by WHO is going to be your teacher. Remember to detach on who you want to learn from, what their background is and how many pets they have and what their fortune was made on. I closely fell for that trap many times, had I stopped digging for that information because of my personal restrictions and convictions, it would have taken me a lot longer to get where I am. And I'm looking to be a champion. An Olympian. Stay aware of these traps. I will give you another key to becoming powerful, again, free of charge. This second key to becoming powerful, brings you on the road to becoming untouchable; it's to have an endless drive. We all like the sound of that do we? Powerful, untouchable. And what best way to pick as a driving force but yourself? Well that's where some difficulty may come in, because you have to get to work! That 'work' does make it sound a lot heavier, though I promise you, reinventing doesn't require an even amount of work consistently. Instead of a marathon, it's more of a flow. You're going to adopt a similar trait like water. (did I just add in a little Bruce Lee?) You need to learn how to be always open to new paths and opportunites to, flow towards. Once water finds an opening, it doesn't resist but it moves about freely and perhaps not always in masses. But it does flow. I dare you to try and resist one of those paths that you're pushed towards. When water clashes onto the imprenetrable rocks, it doesn't look all as peacefully does it? And when it reaches a dead end, it tries to flow back but once it hits the surface and overflows, that's the same when you would resist flowing. Now go back and try reading this analogy with different eyes, and think of resistance to water flow as your feelings and your life. Not too pretty. Well, I've been there too when everything inside of me was screaming to go down a certain path and I did nothing. I let the situation play out by itself. Now that I've explained what mindset you need, let's cut to the chase, shall we? So books? Yes, books. And articles, and blogs and documentaries, historical pieces, classics, everything that you tune into, is most likely going to benefit you digging in. But it needs to be done so with dedication and the will to learn and listen. Does that mean you will have to become an expect in Stoicism or emotional regulation, or business strategies? Again, definitely not the purpose here; to whichever extend you're going to NEED to dive into a particular topic, THAT's however much you need to learn. Now don't go away yet. I'm getting there. In my search for answers, on my personal growth journey, there were countless of times I stumbled on new ideas and projects and the wanting to know more about this and that. And you need to let it sink in, that to take it one step at a time, is okay! The key here is to learn. Be in the journey, be and discover more about what you need to know. When you are 'pulled' to something, there is more to learn. So become free of 'I gotta'. Maybe this will get the message across more simply: Have you noticed that I'm terrible at consistent writing and posting? Will it be easier to paint a picture then of what more in my life is like that? Exactly. The books I've gathered, they are all very closely selected, but I can't say I have finished reading even one of them at the moment. They are pieces that are dear to me and that all hold personal treasures. They've become parts of my treasure chest. But none of those books hold whichever is me. Neither does one of them guide you to knowing me better. They are mere pieces of the puzzle in my personal journey to becoming powerful. You have no idea how almost literally this is. Together they are a physical representation of my growth journey. But I would still be me without them. I do not categorize myself on a book shelf and tell others, look this is me, and this is me. But they do help me and support me in telling my story, reminding me of it and they are very useful to own and I don't feel bad about not finishing them yet. They will be here to be read. Now over the last year, apart from collecting treasures, I'd like to share with you 'the first step towards becoming powerful', and I've been working towards this part of the post. Once you learn to flow and reinvent by the help of resources, to adopt the correct mindset and know how to prioritize proper investment into yourself; you have a very powerful support system and strategy ready to help keep you going. These keys were important steps into the first major step. And that one is to start keeping track of your struggles. You got that right. In order to get there, you must first learn, your own ways on to become aware of your personal blocks. Whether physically, mentally or emotionally, don't wait on taking action on the best case there is: you. Ways to start doing is, by simply starting a journal. Start writing on what goes wrong and what goes well. Who are you having problems with and what does it remind you of, find the patterns. Crack the code. In my life I've been to several health (also mental health) professionals and even spiritual professionals to see what would help me come at peace with my own stress factors. Emotional triggers, are very nasty culprits and they are only one of many things I've had to deal with in order to progress. So now that you know the first step and the keys in progressing in this step, this is how I'd like to close today's post for now. I hope you enjoyed the read. Looking to find good suggestions on books and articles and would like to get in touch with more likeminded souls and learn about the terminology used in this post? Consider joining my Discord server by clicking this link



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