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Nice to meet you!

The Iridescent View is many things at once. But most of all a place for me, to express myself freely about my personal life experiences and my journey through (re)connecting with God and finding myself, and love, in the process. Take a dive and come with me as I walk you through a beautiful valley of insecurities, amazement, on the magical story that is us, humans in all of our shadows and divinity.

What is the iridescent view would you ask? Where does the name come from?
Why don't you find out in my story :)


The Gate Of Life

Where great life begins

What is it?

The Gate of Life is a connection program in linking up amazing people with amazing qualities.

Each of which has valuable teachings and services that can help you lift off and further pursue your own path to self-discovery, mental health and stronger spiritual being, approached from different angles and through different tools.

It's a portal to get in touch with people I've gotten to know and learn from and become good friends with over time. On this part of the website you'll find a link to their services via social media, websites and a glance into who they are through interviews.

Some have been doing great spiritual or healthcare work, and some have felt a calling recently to be of service to others who are wanting to heal and get closer to God. Each of them I can say are people I have found great support from, and who have been giving freely. 

Girl On A Journey

It started out as just having an idea in my dark night of the soul, somewhere in 2015.
Just a simple story about an orphaned girl going on adventures and diving deep into earth history.

After many years of having to work on it infrequently (you know because life can catch up with you), I'm really happy that this project is finally starting to take shape in the form of my first novel, complete with original artworks. Since the ideas have come to be over the course of nearly a decade while I was trying to find my own direction, you can tell it's one very close to my heart since it's inspired by my own discoveries in life. 

Coming from a background of a career in art, animation and videogames, when I was at the crossroads and presented an opportunity of a great job in the animation industry, it hit me that this was not something for me to pursue.
But gladly these skills do not have to go to waste thanks to Girl On A Journey.



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